Vote-by-Mail, formerly known as Absentee Voting, is available to all qualified, registered Levy County voters. Vote-by-Mail provides voters with a convenient alternative to voting in-person. Below are frequently asked questions that will help you learn more about Vote-by-Mail.
How do I request a Vote-by-Mail Ballot?
A Vote-by-Mail Ballot can be requested by a voter in:
In Person: At our Office
By Phone: (352) 486-5163
By Fax: (352) 486-5146
In Writing by using a Statewide Vote-by-Mail Ballot Request Form: Email or mail to Levy County Supervisor of Elections, 421 S Court Street, Bronson, FL 32621.
Statewide Vote-by-Mail Ballot Request Form
Online: Vote-by-Mail Ballot Request
When submitting your request, please remember to include:
- The name of the voter for whom the ballot is requested.
- The voter’s address.
- The voter’s date of birth.
- The voter’s driver’s license number, Florida ID number, or the last four digits of the Social Security Number.
- The voter’s signature (written requests only).
Voters can instruct an immediate family member or legal guardian to request a Vote-by-Mail ballot for them. Immediate family members include: spouse, grandparent, parent, child, grandchild, sibling, spouse’s grandparent, spouse’s parent, spouse’s child, spouse’s grandchild, and spouse’s sibling.
If the voter has designated an immediate family member or legal guardian to request his or her ballot, the designee must provide the above information in addition to the following:
- The name of the elector for who the ballot is requested.
- The elector's address.
- The elector's date of birth.
- The elector's driver’s license number, the elector's Florida ID number, or the last four digits of the elector's social security number, whichever may be verified in the Supervisor's records.
- The requester's name.
- The requester's address
- The requester's driver license number, ID card number, or the last four digits of the requester's social security number, if available.
- The requester’s relationship to the voter.
- The requester’s signature (written request only).
Where will my Vote-by-Mail Ballot be sent?
Our office will send your ballot to any location you request. If you have recently moved or plan to be in another state or out of the country during the next election, be sure to contact our office to notify us where we should send that ballot. The United States Postal Service cannot forward ballots. If the address you provide to us is not your voting residence and is a new address, you must submit the request in writing.
When Will I Receive my Vote-by-Mail Ballot?
Ballots are mailed within two (2) business days after receiving your request.
When is the deadline to request a Vote-by-Mail Ballot?
A request for a Vote-by-Mail Ballot must be received by the Supervisor of Elections no later than 5 p. m. on the twelveth day before the election.
Will I Need to Request a Vote-by-Mail Ballot for Every Election?
No, one request for a Vote-by-Mail ballot will cover all elections through the end of the calendar year of the next scheduled General Election. However, you do have the option of requesting a Vote-by-Mail ballot for just one specific election.
Can I Pick Up my Vote-by-Mail Ballot?
You can pick up your own Vote-by-Mail ballot from our office. This is available starting forty days before Election Day and extends through Election Day itself. If you pick up a Vote-by-Mail within ten days of Election Day, you will need to complete the below form.
Form for Personal Delivery of Vote-by-Mail Ballot
Can Someone Pick-up my Vote-by-Mail Ballot?
You can designate a person to pick up your Vote-by-Mail ballot for you from our office. You need to have a Vote-by-Mail ballot request on file for the election or submit a request as part of the pick-up using a Statewide Vote-by-Mail Ballot Request Form.
Both you and the person who will be picking up the ballot for you need to fill out a Form for Personal Delivery of the Vote-by-Mail Ballot. If the pick-up is within 10 days of Election Day, you will also need to complete the Emergency Pick-up Affidavit part of the form.
How Do I Return my Vote-by-Mail Ballot?
Voters will need to place their ballot into the enclosed secrecy envelope, and then insert the secrecy envelope into the enclosed mailing envelope which is addressed to the Supervisor. Once you’ve sealed the return envelope, please remember to sign and date the back of the envelope.
Mail, deliver, or have delivered the completed mailing envelope. The completed mailing envelope can be delivered to the Levy County Supervisor of Elections Office at 421 S Court Street, Bronson, FL 32621 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (Main Front Entrance). In addition, you may drop off your completed mailing envelope at an authorized secure ballot intake station location during early voting.
Note: Vote-by-Mail Ballots cannot be accepted at any local polling places on Election Day.
Guidance for Sealed Mail Ballot Return Envelopes
When is the Deadline for Returning a Vote-by-Mail Ballot?
In order to ensure that your Vote-by-Mail ballot will be counted, it should be completed and returned as soon as possible so that it can reach the Supervisor of Elections office no later than 7 p. m. on the day of the election.
What if my Signature on the Voter Certificate and Registration Does Not Match?
You will receive notification through the mail at the address listed on your Vote-by-Mail ballot. Fill out the below Vote by Mail Cure Affidavit in order to update your signature. This form must be mailed back to our office no later than 5 p.m. on the second day after the election.
Vote by Mail Cure Affidavit
What if I Forget to Sign my Vote-by-Mail Ballot?
You will also receive notification through the mail at the address which was listed on your Vote-by-Mail ballot. Fill out the below Vote by Mail Cure Affidavit in order to cure the unsigned mail ballot. You have until 5 p. m. on the second day after the election to return the following form.
Note to College Students: If you move away from home to attend college, you can still be registered in your home county as long as you are not registered elsewhere. You have the option to request a Vote by Mail ballot for each election.
Vote by Mail Cure Affidavit